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Lube Sizer Lube Extruder Lube Sizer Lube Extruder

This extruder fits into the sizing die and turns the lubrisizer into a lube ribbon extruder for cutting grease (lube) cookies.
45 Cal.
Lube Information

Our Price: $45.00
Lube Ribbon Extruder Lube Ribbon Extruder

This little jewel makes making grease cookies a snap. Mounts into any reloading press that accepts standard 7/8" x 14 dies. By filling the reservoir with your favorite black powder lube, you can easily make 1/8" thick by 1" wide lube ribbons. Then, by using the mouth of the cartride case you can insert a lube cookie between two wads under the bullet. By placing one between two wads you can add more lube to help soften the fouling in your bore.
Lube Information

Our Price: $250.00
Lyman Lube Sizer Lyman Lube Sizer

The new 4500 Lube Sizer is a delight to use. It features: solid one piece bottom casting - ideal for use with hard bullet lubricants, a new longer ball knob handle for more leverage for sizing and lubricating the largest bullets, complete with Gas Check Seater and complimentary lube, and easy adjustments for bullet seating depth and lube flow. Purchase the Lyman top punch and sizing die of your choice. Changing bullet diameter requires an easy change of sizing dies. Heater, top punches and sizing dies sold separately.
Lube Information

Our Price: $595.00
RCBS Lube a Matic 2 RCBS Lube a Matic 2

Size and lubricate cast bullets in one step with the Lube-A-Matic-2. Just insert a bullet in the sizer die and pull the handle. A sized and lubricated bullet ejects on the upstroke. A fingertip regulator lets you fine-tune lubricant flow. Lube-A-Matic-2 also seats gas checks. A high-quality tool that's a must-have item for the serious bullet caster.

Our Price: $665.00
Saeco Lubri-sizer Saeco Lubri-sizer

Considered by many to be the finest lubricator/sizer available today. A single stroke seats the gas check, swages the bullet to proper diameter, and lubricates it. SAECO's Lubri-Sizer features a pressurized reservoir that lubricates from 20 to 50 bullets between turns of the lube control handle. Two precision parallel guide rods assure proper alignment of the top punch and sizing die, resulting in maximum bullet concentricity. Those who prefer to shoot bullets as cast will appreciate SAECO's exclusive swing out gas check seater which allows the option of seating gas checks without sizing. A combination of compound leverage and extra length operating handle substantially reduces physical effort. Sizing Dies and Top Punches are not included and should be ordered separately according to caliber and bullet design.

Our Price: $725.00